
November 29, 2021

Gentille Dusenge

Gentille Dusenge completed her SNHU bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Management with a concentration in global perspectives from Kepler’s Kiziba campus in September of 2020. Now she works as a Community-based Protection Intern at the UNHCR while providing for her family. Working in the humanitarian sector is a dream come true for Gentille, who is now […]

Calene Ingabire

October 10, 2021

Calene Ingabire - Video

Alumni Calene Ingabire, Dany Rugamba, and Belyse Bugingo who work at Moshions, one of Rwanda’s leading fashion brands, shared how their Kepler experiences prepared them for work after graduation: “The Kepler model is practical. It’s something you can take with you wherever you go, and because it’s competency-based, you can assess your growth both at […]

Benita Gwaneza

October 10, 2021

Benita Gwaneza

Graduates Benita Gwaneza and Joella Ingabire both studied Healthcare Management with concentrations in Global Perspectives while at Kepler, and they now work at Health Builders, a local NGO dedicated to strengthening health systems and building facilities where access is limited. Their work has triggered a lot of reflection on the significance of healthcare management within […]